Saturday 1 May 2021

a New month

Well another new month not sure where this year is going but it sure is doing it fast. maybe that's a good thing. 

Trying to get back to posting as have had a long break as have moved and its really was a stressful thing, going to blog twice a week and see how that goes, 

                                                        Stay safe and well everyone   


Materials used for thing card are, 
  • 21 x 15 cm card blank and envelope. 
  •  Vintage Sepia  VersaFine  ink pad, 
  • The stained Glass Collection clear stamps,
  • Meadow green, lime green, grass, cerise, gold, sky blue Promsrkers, 

Challenges I will enter this card for are, 
  1. TTCRD   Anything goes, 
  2. The Little Red Wagon. Smell the Roses, # 599
  3. I love Promarkers  #434   Girly Card.
  4. Lemon Shortbread, Anything goes,

Last night moon, or should I say the early hours of the morning. 


  1. Smashing and spring like card from you today - welcome to May, enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend

    Fab pic of last night's moon too


  2. So very pretty and lovely stamps..Thank you so much for joining in our challenge at Little Red Wagon this week..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  3. So pretty
    Thank you for joining our challenge at I ♥ Promarkers
    Clare DT

  4. Beautiful creation! Thanks for playing at I Love Promarkers Challenge.


Thanks so much for visiting, I enjoy reading your comments, a positive comment are so uplifting



Had a great day yesterday. went out with friends and had a great catch up. We are going to have a catch up every week when we can,          ...