Saturday 8 May 2021

weekend again.

Another weekend arrives and boy do they come round quickly, It looks like its going to be a wet weekend again, lets hope not, Used this set of stamps I found when I was sorting out, I have no idea where I got them lol 

                                                              Take care and stay safe, 

Materials used for this card are, 
  • 15 x 15 deckle edged card and envelope, 
  • Black hobby craft ink pad, 
  • Twisted citron Distress ink pad, 
  • Sewing clear stamps, 

Challenges I will enter this card for are, 
  1.  Creative knockouts # 100 Anything goes, Fabrika Fantasy,

  2. Cute card Thursday, Challenge  # 685 Anything goes, 
  3. Penny's Paper -Crafty Challenge  # 495 Anything goes, 
  4. Addicted to stamps and More. Challenge #404 Any occasion, 
  5. TTCRD Challenge 4th May 2021. 


  1. Were they, perhaps, a magazine enclosure? They look like a nice set and I hope you will get some more use from them now you have rediscovered them (much like my twinkling H2O's this past week!!!). Cool card, with the coloured circles adding extra interest/texture

    You're not wrong about the wet and wild weekend forecast - just easier to stay in and craft - have a good one!


  2. Great card for a stitcher!
    Thank you for sharing with Addicted to Stamps and More!
    Addicted to Stamps and More
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  3. Great card for a sewer Lilian!

    Thank you so very much for playing along in our 400th challenge over at Creative Knockouts! Good Luck and I hope to see you again next challenge!


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Had a great day yesterday. went out with friends and had a great catch up. We are going to have a catch up every week when we can,          ...