Sunday, 12 July 2015

yesterdays work shop.

Afternoon everyone. Had a lovely day my friend Kathy and I went to a work shop with Barbara Daines.I really had a lovely time I was not sure as it was the first workshop I had attended. We worked with Brushos and also did some work with Bleeding Art Tissue. I found it interesting. We also worked on a canvas and not really sure about that. Mind you it was the first time so maybe more pratice.  photo m_12345678DSCN2766_zpscqltyxxp.jpg  photo m_12345678DSCN2767_zpsmyp7asfj.jpg My canvas.  photo m_12345678DSCF8608_zpsmmxnjvkd.jpg My tags  photo m_12345678DSCF8607_zpsdvrgzvy4.jpg The backgrounds  photo m_12345678DSCF8606_zpsmzpocyef.jpg My card  photo m_12345678DSCF8605_zpsiyznnooi.jpg


  1. Turned out splendidly, first time or not. I want to know who that miserable bag with the grey T-Shirt on is!!!


  2. Thinking more about the camera I feel. I happen to know she is not a miserable bag.


  3. Are you sure? She certainly looks miserable! Perhaps she was concentrating! lol!

    aka miserable bag!


Thanks so much for visiting, I enjoy reading your comments, a positive comment are so uplifting


weekend over

Weather a bit better this weekend. hoping to go out for a walk in the morning but have to see what the weather is like,                     ...